20. Juni 2016

Flamingos - pink, was sonst

Hallo :-)

ja, heut hab ich einen guten Grund mal wieder in Pink daher zu kommen.. Flamingos :-) wohoooooo
Die sind nämlich neu bei mir, von LawnFawn, und die MUS Man ja pink machen. Aber als kleines Gegengewicht hab ich für den Hintergrund eine andere Farbe genommen :-)

Challenge: Lawnscaping Challens #132: Distress Maniacs

So, dann habt eine tolle Woche, bis mooorgen, alle liebe, eure

5 Kommentare:

  1. OH MY GOSH!! i am in LOVE with this!!! the coloring is OUT OF THIS WORLD!! And those flamingos in the pink are on POINT with the blue background! This is gorgeous!! Thank you SO much for playing along with the Lawnscaping Challenge! :)

  2. This is so pretty! I love the ombre row of flamingos. And that water background is gorgeous! Thanks so much for playing with us at Lawnscaping!

  3. Holy moly! This is a jaw dropper. I love love love the row of flamingoes and how they fade from bright to white. And the blue 'water' is distress perfection. Thank you for playing along with Lawnscaping!

  4. Birka, I love your card so much I came back for a second look. :) I would just suggest that you read over the rules on the right side bar of the Lawnscaping Challenge blog to make sure your card is eligible to win! :) It's so cute!

    1. hihi... so, I took your hint and hooope I did everything right now.. thank you sooo much, even for comming back :-)


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