2. November 2016

30 Day Coloring Challenge (((BLOG-HOP)))

Hello Sweeties 
Welcome to Day 2 of The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge. Today I am part of a THREE DAY blog hop to jumpstart your creativity. If your new to the coloring challenge or have any questions about the coloring challenge you can refer to this post and see Kathy’s getting started video here. Today’s blog hop features bloggers and Instagramers. (Kathy didn’t want to leave anyone out)

Hallo Ihr Lieben....
Könnt Ihr euch vorstellen wie ich mich gefreut habe, als die umwerfende Kathy mich gefragt hat, ob ich zur neuesten Coloring-Challenge bei einem riesigen Blogger-Instagrammer-Blog-Hop mitmachen will? Wow.... wir haben heute schon Tag 2 der Challenge, aber es ist nie zu spät mitzumachen. Und dazu will ich euch natürlich jetzt auch einladen :-)

If you are coming from Monica Pineda blog you are in the right place. To start at the beginning of the hop go to The Daily Marker’s blog HERE.
Wenn ihr gerade von Monica Pineda kommt, seid Ihr genau richtig. Wenn nicht, hüpft unbedingt nochmals zum Anfang unseres Hops HIER, damit Ihr nichts verpasst.

So, I was thinking a while what could I show, what is a little bit different to all the things I show daily, and have this special focus on coloring.
So I though I do 3 stamped images, in three ways. Each of them I colored with copics, Zig Watercolor brushes and with Watercolor-Pencils. Its not a big comparison, but maybe you like to see how different it turned out.
Also I also made a time-lapse-video from each image, these I will show you on Instagram on the upcoming days.

So, ich hab echt laaange überlegt, was ich heute zeigen könnte. Es sollte was sein, was ich nicht jeden Tag auf dem Blog zeige, aber auch was, was mit dem Colorieren zu tun hat. Also dachte ich, ich zeige Euch drei Motive, und diese je 1x mit Copics, 1x mit den Zig Color Brushes und 1x mal mit Aquarell-Buntstiften coloriert. Das soll jetzt kein großer "Was ist besser"-Vergleich werden, aber vielleicht ist es trotzdem interessant zu sehen, wie unterschiedlich alles geworden ist.
Ich habe auch zu jedem Motiv ein kleines Zeitfraffer-Video gedreht, das zeige ich euch die nächsten Tage auf Instagram.

These are my Images:
This little Elephant from Reverse Confetti, the little Bear from My Favorite Things an this Ice from Simon Says Stamps.
For Working with water I took the Versafine Inkpad and Watercolorpaper, for Coloring with Copics Memento Black and ColorCopy Paper.

So, das ist quasi meine Versuchsanordnung: Der Elefant von Reverse Confetti, der Bär von My Favorite Things und das leckere Eis von Simon Says Stamps.Für die beiden Varianten mit Wasser hab ich mit Versafine gestempelt auf Aquarellpapier, und für die Copics hab ich mit Memento Black gestempelt und dazu Color Copy Papier genommen.

1. Elephant

   --> Copcis

 --> Zigs

--> Watercolor-Pencils

2. Ice-Cream

   --> Copics

   --> Zigs

   --> Watercolorpencils

3. Bear

   --> Copics

   --> Zigs

---> Watercolor-Pencils

And this is the overview. I'm so sorry that the pictures are not as food as I wished ....
But maybe you'll get an Impression of how different al these coloring-supplies are.
I would say, watercolor-pencils are not my favorite. But Copics vs. Zigs?? I could NEVER choose only one :-)

Ja, leider sind die Fotos allesamt nicht so prima geworden.. aber ich hoffe, euch hat es trotzdem gefallen und ihr seht wie unterschiedlich die drei Arten sind.
Ich geb zu, die Aquarell-Buntstifte sind echt nicht der Knaller, wollte sie halt mal wiese benutzen. Aber eigentlich sind nur die Copics und die Zigs geil, und zwischen den beiden könnte ich mich NIE entscheiden....

GIVEAWAY : 12 GOODIE BAGS ! That’s TWELVE CHANCES TO WIN during the three day hop. The more you comment on each hoppers blog or instagram the more chances you have of winning. Winners will be chosen randomly FROM THE BLOGS and INSTAGRAM hop comments. The full list of winners will be announced Wed. Nov 14th 9 am. at www.thedailymarker.com (contest closes 11.13 at 11pm. EST)

Gewinnspiel: So, und weil das hier ja ein Super-Blog-Hop ist, gibt es auch was zu gewinnen. 12 Goodie-Bags während allen drei Tagen. Einfach auf den Blogs oder bei Instagram bis zum 13.11. kommentieren kommentieren kommentieren :-) Die Gewinner werden dann vom Zufall ermittelt und am 14. November auf Kathys Blog www.thedailymarker.com bekannt gegeben. Viel Glück
Thank you for your visit today and I hope to see you during the coloring challenge. Be sure to use the hashtag #thedailymarker30day so we can find your work or you can join the Facebook group here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/201290420294581/
Vielen Dank fürs Mithülfen und ich hoffe Ihr habt jetzt Lust bekommen mitzumachen. Die Challenge läuft den ganzen November, un einfach bei Instagram eure Werke mit dem Hashtag #thedailymarker30day versehen und schon seid Ihr dabei. Und die Herausforderung ist: Jeden Tagein paar Minuten Zeit zum Colorieren finden :-)
Und wenn Ihr Lust habt, es gibt auch eine Facebookgruppe dafür: https://www.facebook.com/groups/201290420294581/

Machts gut, alles Liebe, eure

145 Kommentare:

  1. They are all very cute Birka! I always like how you pick and colour cute images ;)

  2. They are all so cute! Love the colouring and how you show how the different mediums will work :)

  3. They are all so sweet! So beautifully colored!

  4. These are terrific cards. I am enjoying this challenge so much. Thank you!

  5. WOW - so many images, so much coloring, ALL adorable!

    Thank you for the chance to win!!

  6. I prefer the Copics colored images but all are adorable!

  7. Love seeing all the different coloring. All are adorable Thank you for sharing.

  8. I love your comparisons. Each are beautifully colored! Thanks for sharing :)

  9. So cute and adorable! Perfect colors

  10. Thanks for your comparisons, and thanks for sharing.

  11. Love seeing the different mediums compared like this. Copics are my favourite to use, but I think that really just means I need more practise with the others :-)

  12. You showed the comparison with all 3 different mediums so beautifully, love Zig Brushes! Thanks for showing!

  13. Love the comparisons Birka. I think pesonally there is a time and place for all of them, just depends on what effect you want! I love the fact that the zigs and watercolour pencils you can get more variation (like on leaves etc) that is really hard to achieve with Copics. It's so interesting the difference in the three mediums, thanks for sharing and I have enjoyed hopping along with you! Lisa xx


  14. All of your images are colored beautifully!!!

  15. Gosh, you've been busy Birka :) Very interesting to see the result of 3 different colouring mediums side by side.

  16. So much information! Thanks for sharing it all!

  17. love all your examples, thanks for showing us.

  18. Awesome! I love the comparisons. I love the depth that you get with Copics but I just can't give up my watercolors!

  19. Thanks for sharing all the coloring technique.. They are all beautifully colored..

  20. Love the comparison of the different techniques!!

  21. This is great!!! I love seeing the difference between the mediums!!!

  22. Your characters are so life like! Great coloring

  23. Your characters are so life like! Great coloring

  24. Wow, love all the different color combinations! My fav is the elephant with the coffee cup...he made me laugh! Thanks for the inspiration!

  25. Thank you for the color comparison! All these little guys are so cute!

  26. Thank you so much for the color comparisons! I love the Zigs for the elephant, but the ice cream bar looks so vibrant with Copics!

  27. These are all so cute and I love that you provided the comparison!

  28. Such a cool process! Love seeing the images come to life.

  29. Such cute images and such apt coloring! I cant wait to see how you make cards with all these cuties!

  30. Love all the various looks that you get from all the different mediums that is why I love this challenge I love jumping around from one to another!

  31. VERY helpful to see the different mediums and different results, thank you!

  32. Such great coloring on the images, loving that elephant with my favourite drink!!

  33. Thank you for great inspiration! Can't decide which medium I like the most, all of them so nice.

  34. LOVE that you did this - great to have this comparison! Will you share your video on here (not just on Instagram - I can't figure out how to find things there)? Thanks for sharing!

  35. Nice work. I like that you did different variations of colors on the same stamp.

  36. I love seeing the different colouring mediums. I don't have Zig markers but they look fantastic. I have watercolours that I use sometimes tho. Great demonstration.

  37. What lovely coloring. I loved seeinf the different results. I am liking the zig markers.

  38. Love the comparison, after seeing that I need to buy more copies and practice with my zigs more - just as well I have a whole month to practice, yay.

  39. wow! I love how you showed 3 different mediums for coloring and they all look so good!

  40. Thank you for sharing. I watched your video's. Thank you for sharing your coloring. You're so very talented.

  41. Fab colouring, it was great to see the difference in the colouring mediums :)

  42. Oh wow!! Thank you for the same image colored three ways!! It is so cool to see!!!

  43. Wow, fabulous coloring. Thanks for sharing the different color variations!

  44. It's amazing how each medium is so different!! Love the critters colored with Zigs especially!!

  45. Wow thanks for showing us the different results of these mediums.

  46. Well, everything is adorable no matter the color medium.

  47. Great choice of images and mediums!!! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  48. Very pretty. So many images. Lots of inspiration.

  49. Wow das ist ja eine tolle Idee für den Blog Hop. Mir persönlich gefallen ja Deine Colorationen mit den Zig Stiften am besten.♥ Obwohl die mit den Copics auch prima sind.
    Vielen Dank für die Inspiration.♥ Ich werde mir jetzt mal noch Dein Colorationsvideo anschauen.♥
    Liebe Grüße

  50. Such sweet and soft coloring on the bear and ice cream!!! Thank you for sharing the different pictures of each step!

  51. Thank you so much! I love the coloring comparison you made!! I don't have copics..too expensive, but I do have Promarkers as a comparison, and have Zigs & Primacolor pencils. I'm going to have to make the same comparison test..it will be fun!!

  52. Awesomeness! Fantastic coloring and card! Thanks for the chance to win!
    ~God bless~

  53. Thanks for showing each image using different coloring choices.

  54. Very lovely creation and I love all the three ways that you used.

  55. I can tell how much joy you receive from coloring. You achieved beautiful coloring from all three mediums, each one more beautiful than the other in their own right. Thanks for sharing!

  56. Thanks for sharing these coloring.....

  57. Your coloring is amazing and beautiful !

  58. I love the comparison. My favorite is Copic, nothing compares to how well they blend.

  59. Love how you showed the comparison!! Thanks for that! Your coloring is so good!

  60. I love that you did this, it is really interesting to see the differences, thank you! Your colouring on all of the images is really fantastic as well.

  61. That looked like a lot of fun coloring. I love the way the images came out and the different choices of coloring. Fun Fun Fun

  62. I am in awe of your talent. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

  63. This was such a great idea! Thank you for sharing! Great job on all three!

  64. Thanks for sharing your coloring!

  65. Love seeing the images coloured with three different mediums. Great colouring thank you!

  66. Fabulous tutorial and gorgeous images:)

  67. Beautiful coloring and very inspiring!
    xoxo Olga

  68. Super Idee, das gleiche Motiv mit verschiedenen Farben zu colorieren. Ich selber nutze am liebsten Copics zum colorieren, wobei ich das ergebnis von Aquarellcolorationen auch sehr hübsch finde.

  69. Thank you for all the comparisons! I always enjoy your videos on IG!

  70. This was a wonderful idea to comparisons side by side, great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  71. I love how you can get very similar effects with different products. I haven't done a lot with alcohol markers, but the looks can be way more intense. Have not tried the Zigs yet, but I love my w/c pencils!! But I am just now (pretty old, closer to 70 than 60) exploring how much fun it is to try different things. It's hard on the budget, but so much fun! Thank you for sharing your comparisons.

  72. WOW!!! You are sooo talented plus showing us how the different products work and look is priceless! Youve done somw amazing coloring, too! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations and talent!

  73. WOW!!! You are sooo talented plus showing us how the different products work and look is priceless! Youve done somw amazing coloring, too! Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations and talent!

  74. Oh your images are so adorable and your coloring is so beautiful!

  75. Thanks for the comparison. I expected the mediums to look different from each other, but they look a lot alike.
    Your coloring is wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  76. great coloring! I enjoyed seeing the differences between the 3 color mediums on the same images

  77. WOW Birka, you have been busy! Great colouring! (I HAD to stop by and watch your tea=-light vid. on the way...LOL)

  78. Wow i love your elephant,ice and your colouring.... it have to take a loooooong time?

  79. I love that you showed all three mediums with each image! Beautiful work!!!

  80. Thanks for showing all three mediums! You rock! Your skill is amazing!

  81. Thanks for showing all three mediums! You rock! Your skill is amazing!

  82. Thanks for sharing the comparison. Your coloring is nice.

  83. WOW so many cuties colored up! I love how different an image can look in different color combinations. TFS

  84. what a great demonstration of each medium...so hard to choose a favorite...all fabulous

  85. Love seeing the difference each medium makes...love the elephant.

  86. Thanks for the illustrations! Great shading with each medium :)

  87. This is great! Thanks for the comparisons, I love what you've done with the zigs!

  88. Great coloring - I really need to try those markers.

  89. I really enjoyed seeing your colouring with the different mediums! You are very talented and I found this blog post very interesting! Thank you!

  90. Deciding on the medium for coloring is always the hardest choice to make. Love seeing the variety.

  91. Fabulous coloring on these sweet images!

  92. This is so great to see the different colouring techniques and how they look compared to one another.
    Awesome job - thanks for sharing!!

  93. Your coloring is always amazing!

  94. I love all your images! I can sit and color for hours and Copics are my favorite!

  95. I love all your coloring techniques. They all were awesome :)

  96. These are all so sweet. Love your white highlights.

  97. I'm such a fan of your work...awesome coloring.

  98. Was für eine tolle Idee für den Hop, Birka! Ich finde es total klasse, wie du die verschiedenen Malmethoden einander gegenübergestellt hast, und ich freue mich schon richtig auf all deine Videos. :o)

  99. Ich finde die Idee mit den Vergleichen klasse! Da ich weder Zigs noch Copic besitze, male ich selbst am liebsten mit Aquarellstiften ;-)

  100. Loved seeing your different colouring methods.

  101. Loved seeing your different colouring methods.

  102. Very nice use of different tools for coloring I think I like them all for the different texturing that they give.

  103. Very nice use of different tools for coloring I think I like them all for the different texturing that they give.

  104. Love the coloring and the blending so pretty!

  105. Wonderful coloring! I love these cute critters, you are all ready to make some cards!

  106. I like how you did the same bears but used different coloring techniques to make each one look different. You did a really nice job on everything.

  107. Great overview of coloring techniques.

  108. I am still trying to learn how to color my images so love tips and hints! Thank you for the samples and tutorial

  109. Thank you so much for showing this comparison! They're all delightful, but it's cool to see the differences in the mediums on the same images!

  110. Schon auf Instagram bewundert - toller Vergleich und wunderbar koloriert wieder :)

  111. Love your coloring, thank you for sharing!!!

  112. Thanks for showing us how each type of coloring works, and the end result. I especially love the elephants!

  113. It was interesting seeing the difference using different coloring mediums on the same stamp images. Thanks for sharing!

  114. Thanks for sharing all of your pretty coloring

  115. Great tips for each mediums... Thanks for sharing/Jan

  116. Wow stunning colouring! Love how you use the different mediums!!

  117. CUTE images and WONDERFUL colouring!!!
    Thank You for sharing :)

  118. They all look great, I love the bear.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com


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